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Retail and Hospitality

No matter the style of retail or hospitality business – supermarket or clothing chain, multiple location outlets, high end fashion or FMCG, securing your inventory, protecting revenue targets, and employee productivity are your keys to success. Optic can design, install, service & maintain effective and efficient converged security & inventory management systems to ensure your investment is not only safe but productive. EAS, RFID, High Theft solutions, CCTV plus other solutions to meet your business needs now and in the future.

With everything from ‘source’ tags where tracking is included in product packaging, through to labels or on fresh food packaging, today's EAS options can be unobtrusive, allowing customers to freely enjoy the shopping experience you want them to have, but protecting your assets and profits by stopping theft end to end.

Theft in stores costs Australian and New Zealand retailers more than $3bn in losses each year*

Our experienced EAS team can explain the variety of options in the market and discuss solutions to suit your retail presence. It’s no longer just about using tags to deter would-be theft. EAS can bring a wide range of benefits to any retail business from customer analytics through to staff optimisation – and bottom line profits. Integrated with a range of security solutions we will ensure your business, your staff and your customers are in safe hands. 

While delivering a compelling shopping experience you can...     

Increase shopper conversion

Improve display effectiveness

Ensure PCI compliance

Avoid out of stock and overstocks

Reduce customer shoplifting & retail crime

Reduce Internal theft

The benefits of converging your security functions.

A converged approach means better visibility and fewer security gaps... and less mess to clean up as a result. Read more

Commercial Building at Night
Optic Security Group

Your security risks. Converged. Managed. Solved.

ISO _45001_14001_2015_9001 & Optic Security Group
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Optic Security Group (AUS) Head Office

34/203 Rooks Road 

Vermont, VIC 3133

Phone (Toll Free): 1300 72 98 72

Optic Security Group (Auckland)

Building 3, Level 4

666 Great South Road, Ellerslie

Auckland, New Zealand, 1051



Phone: +64 9 950 9990

After Hours: 0800 405 040

Optic Digital

222 Lambton Quay

Wellington, New Zealand, 6011

Phone: 0800 126 676

Optic Security Group acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as First Peoples of Australia, and Māori as tangata whenua and Treaty of Waitangi partners in Aotearoa-New Zealand.

Security Advisory


Be vigilant. There has been an increase in reports of false billing scams. If you have received an email with an invoice purporting to be from us, call your Optic Security Group contact person to confirm if it is legitimate. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s National Anti-Scam Centre has reported a 25% increase in losses incurred by Australians from false billing scams in the July-September 2023 quarter compared to the same period last year. This is despite an overall 16% decrease in losses across scam categories.


Payment redirection scams are the most prevalent type of false billing scams. These involve scammers impersonating a business or its employees via email and requesting that money, which usually is owed to the legitimate business, is paid into a fraudulent account. For further information, visit the National Anti-Scam Centre website at   


Optic Security Group will never advise a change of bank details via email. If you have received an email with an invoice purporting to be from us, call your Optic Security Group contact to confirm if it is legitimate.

© 2024 by Optic Security Group

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